Scarlett O'Hara is my hero.
I find that when I am having issues in my life, I am either quoting her, or trying to think of what she would do in a tight situation. Once again, this week she was my rock.
Now, Vivien Leigh played Scarlett O'Hara to perfection. She showed Scarlett's flaws, but she also exeplified her strengths. Scarlett got what she wanted, when she needed it (and we all know Ashley is NOT what she needed).
She got attention at the barbeque...especially from Rhett (;
But, most importantly, she was able to save Tara. This week I needed the reminder that no matter how bad life gets, Scarlett was able to save Tara. So, obviously, I should be able to pick up the pieces of my life too.
So, if you aren't already, let's just think of Scarlett. She lost her mother, her father, her livelihood and any kind of social standing she ever had in the war. She was struggling to feed her family, and was practically failing. Nothing was working out for her. BUT! She swears, as God as her witness, she will never go hungry again!
We have to be like Scarlett. Remembering what is most important (even at the bitter end) and working as hard as we can to obtain it. Even if we have to dress up in curtains to get a little bit of help.
Tara is the most important. Home is the most important. You have to be strong and smart and maybe do some things you don't want to do, but overall, you have to have gumption.
And guess what? We have time. We can make mistakes. Scarlett did, when she realized, too late, how crazy in love she was with Rhett. But considering her track record, I don't doubt she gets him back. Just's all going to be okay. After all, tomorrow is another day!