Saturday, October 29, 2011


In my last post I mentioned that it was my birthday on the last day of our trip to Jordan! Well, Jordan is close to Israel and we got back in time for me to celebrate with some friends in West Jerusalem. We went to an outdoor lifestyle mall (Mamilla Mall) that has great night life and was lit up with tons of twinkle lights going up and down the narrow street.... probably just for me. It was a cool night and the atmosphere was fun and relaxing, perfect for a night out after a long trip. A band was playing and my friend asked them to play "Happy Birthday." Too bad we figured out half-way through the song that it was the Hebrew version of "Happy Birthday" that we weren't familiar with. It was a fun cultural experience anyway! Dessert was next at a small cafe where I realized I have some great friends here who all make me feel so loved (and especially on my birthday)! 

It was an unforgetable birthday.
Spent in both Jordan and Israel.
At the River Jordan and in Jerusalem.
I'm a (20-year-old) lucky girl!

Friends and I in front of the Ark of the Covenant at Mamilla Mall ... nbd


  1. So cool! Did you meet Indiana Jones by the ark and help him fight off the snakes? ;)

  2. We sure did!We are all about Indiana Jones here...I feel like we reference it wayy too often (:
